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What Should Not Go in a Septic Tank?

What Should Not Go in a Septic Tank?

Your septic system is a highly sensitive part of your home, and if you introduce things into your tank that aren't supposed to be there, you risk blocking up the system and causing it to fail—which could lead to expensive repairs or even replacement. At Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Ohio Valley, we offer a wide selection of premium services, including septic tank repair. If you want to avoid calling a qualified plumber for an early replacement of your septic system, read below for tips on what should and shouldn't go into your drains.

What Should Never Go Inside Your Septic System

Septic tanks are designed to remove human waste, household debris, and other solids that may make their way down the drain. However, there are some items that you should never throw into your septic tank. Here are some things that should never go into your septic tank:

  • Detergents, soaps, or other cleaning products with bleach
  • Trash or food scraps
  • Grease or fatty foods
  • Plastic bags or anything else made of plastic
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Latex products
  • Paper towels
  • Tissues
  • Diapers
  • Cigarettes

How Certain Items Can Affect Your Septic Tank

  • Flushable Wipes - You may be tempted to use flushable wipes, but it's not a good idea. These products are indeed labeled "flushable," and you may have been told by your plumber or a friend that they're okay to put in your septic tank. But here's the thing: They aren't biodegradable. Instead, they're made of plastic, which means they will break down slowly over time—and clog up your pipes. If you want to keep your plumbing system running smoothly and prevent problems, avoid using flushable wipes altogether!
  • Chlorine - Chlorine is a common cleaning agent found in many products, including laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid. It's a bleaching agent that can react with the bacteria in your septic tank and cause it to become blocked. Please do not put any products containing chlorine down your sink or toilet, as they will eventually end up in the septic tank.
  • Yeast - Adding active dry yeast to your tank can boost the activity of beneficial bacteria and improve the processing of solids in your tank.
  • Milk - Milk contains lactic acid, which helps break down organic matter and make it easier for the bacteria in your septic tank to digest. This means that it will help reduce the amount of time it takes for waste to go through the system, which means less wear on your pipes and less chance of having an overflow or backup in your home. Additionally, milk may help with odor issues by neutralizing smells or adding a layer of protection against odors from other sources.
  • Cat Litter or Dog Poop - Septic tanks are designed to break down organic matter and neutralize the wastewater, but they can only do so much. When large amounts of cat litter or dog poop enter a septic tank, it overloads the system and causes it to back up. This wastewater can then overflow into people's yards or even homes.

Do You Need a Septic Tank Repair or Septic System Maintenance Service?

Have you already overloaded your septic system with waste that's not breaking down? If you're struggling with backups and recurring clogs, then call Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Ohio Valley. Our reliable team of professionals can help ensure that your system works at its best with our dependable septic tank repair services. Contact our specialists for more information about our services or to schedule an appointment with a plumber in your area.