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Should I Buy Tankless Water Heater?

Should I Buy Tankless Water Heater?

There’s nothing more frustrating than taking hot water, only for the water to turn cold suddenly. This is a common occurrence in most homes and is usually a signifier of a more serious underlying problem. It is advisable to consult the team at Mr. Rooter Plumbing to find a more efficient solution for getting hot water. A tankless water heater is an excellent solution to this problem and ensures you get hot water on demand. Our expert plumbers can ensure your tankless water heater installation is done properly, alleviating the inconveniences of running out of hot water.

What is a Tankless Water Heater?

Unlike the traditional tank system, a tankless water heater ensures you have access to hot water on-demand. There’s no wastage of time waiting for the gallons of water in the tank to heat up since the unit is smaller and heats water when you need it.

The thought of never running out of hot water is incredible, and our plumbers can ensure it comes to reality through tankless water heater installation. If you consider replacing your traditional water heater with a tankless one, you are guaranteed optimal efficiency, whether running the washing machine or simply taking a shower. The team at Mr. Rooter Plumbing ensures that everything is functioning as expected. The built-in sensors turn on the heating elements heating water quickly before it travels to the various faucets in your home.

Is a Tankless Water Heater Worth It?

If you are still not convinced about making the switch to a tankless water heater, talk to the professional plumbers at Mr. Rooter Plumbing and learn about the various advantages this unit has over the rest. Some of the benefits of tankless water heater installation include:

Energy Efficiency

Since the tankless system doesn’t require a water tank, it can save a significant amount of energy that would be used to heat the gallons of water. Our expert plumbers in Follansbee recommend tankless water tanks because they save up to 50% of the electricity used in a traditional water heater. Although tankless systems may cost a bit more than the standard water heater, the money you end up saving every month offsets the higher cost of purchase by far.

Leak Protection

When you opt for a tankless water heater installation, then leaks or flooding become a thing of the past. Not that tankless water heaters don’t leak, but the reality is that they are less likely to do so compared to traditional units. A tankless water heater is more of a recirculating pump, which means it doesn’t hold a lot of water, making it prone to leaks. Even when there’s a leak, it causes minimum damage, which our plumbers can easily fix.

A tankless water heater system is more convenient, especially if you have multiple people in need of hot water at the same time. This eliminates delay starting the dishwasher or staggering family showers. There are many benefits why you should opt for a tankless water heater installation, and our plumbers can help you with that. For more information, contact Mr. Rooter Plumbing for top-notch plumbing solutions.